
Searching Websites and pages

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tips for a better search

From this page you will find only pages and sites in english which are a subset of the bandiera italiana complete italian-speaking archive

Websites are cataloged in the following categories:

  •   Welness and sport: sports clubs and associations, groups of fans and enthusiasts, gyms and health and wellness services

  •    Hospitality and fun: city guides, hotels, campsites, agritourisms, restaurants, bars, discos, cinemas and theaters

  •    Manufacturing: manufacturing companies, industrial and artisanal production

  •    Institutions and public bodies: Municipalities, Provinces, Regions, Unions of Municipalities, other public bodies

  •    Culture, art and free time : cultural association, politics, science, art, volunteering, religion, hobbies, games, social life

  •    Personal pages: amateur pages of men, women, families, groups of friends and acquaintances, famous local personalities.

  •    Information and communication: publishing, television, radio, newspapers, periodicals, free advertisements, forums, local and thematic portals

  •    School and education: public and private schools and institutes for elementary, middle, high school, university, post-graduate education, professional training, thesis and online research

  •    Services: services to businesses and individuals: banking, financial, legal, commercial, advertising and promotion, graphics, transport and shipping, telecommunications and internet, aesthetics and health

  •    Trade: retail and wholesale, e-commerce, industrial supplies

  •    Agriculture, farming and fishing: related activities, gardening

  •    Health and assistance: pharmacies, human and animal care


Tips and information for a better search

Our archive is built "on sight" ie all the sites listed have been visited in person, not by automatic systems

It is an archive of sites (domains) and not of pages for which a summary of the contents of the entire website has been made to create a title, a description and a series of keywords.

For these reasons our archive is different from that of search engines, Google in the first place.

We have also added a link to the Facebook page / profile as many internet users are subscribed to this social network and use it regularly.

We still prefer the website as it is "freely" accessible, while to consult Facebook it is necessary to register; moreover, the contents and presence on social networks are bound to comply with the rules of use established unilaterally by the manager; for this reason any content on Facebook could be censored or deleted, even if legal.

Furthermore, for the activities of hotels, restaurants and the like we have published the link to the Trip Advisor reviews page. Also in this case we consider Tripadvisor a useful tool to get an "idea" on the quality of the services offered, but without claiming infallibility.

The websites were cataloged into categories and subcategories chosen, defined and organized by our editorial staff: this classification (which was a standard at the time of the Yahoo directory !) has been almost eliminated as it is easier to do keyword research.

At the moment it is not possible to submit a site.

As of January 2021 there are 2,284 sites "Italian speaking"

If you are looking for italian speaking sites, please go to the main version of the directory


MM-2023 PortoDeiPiceni by Gianluca Paniccia.

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