
Population: inhabitants

From this page you will find information on the resident population in the two provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Teramo, compared with data from Italy.

How many are we?

Resident population
prov. Ascoli Picenoprov. TeramoItaly
Total population at 31/12/2018207.179308.05260.359.546
- of which males 100.312 (48,4%)150.803 (49,0%)29.384.766 (48,7%)
- of which females 106.867 (51,6%)157.249 (51,0%)30.974.780 (51,3%)

Details of the resident population, area and density of the individual municipalities in the province of coat of arms of the province of Ascoli Piceno Ascoli Piceno [it] and of coat of arms of the province of Teramo Teramo [it], also divided by marital status (married, single, widowed / widowed, divorced), by age group and by sex


Do the inhabitants increase or decrease?

Demographic balance in 2018
prov. Ascoli Picenoprov. TeramoItaly
Natural Balance-1.177-1.080-193.386
Migratory balance and for other reasons-2184868.959

Details of the annual demographic balance (born, died, enrolled, canceled), in the province of coat of arms of the province of  Ascoli PicenoAscoli Piceno e di coat of arms of the province of  TeramoTeramo.

How are "families" made up?

Families at the date of the 2011 Census
prov. Ascoli Picenoprov. TeramoItaly
Couples without children18.45025.2785.230.296
Couples with children32.18446.5888.766.690
Fathers with children1.4702.494462.626
Mothers with children7.60110.8242.189.201
Total households59.70585.18416.648.813


How long do we live?

Life expectancy (in years) at birth
prov. Ascoli Picenoprov. TeramoItaly
Males and Females83,382,482,7

data source: Mortality tables of the resident population - year 2017 - Istat


How many foreigners are there?

prov. Ascoli Picenoprov. TeramoItaly
% of total population6,9%8,0%8,7%

There are details of resident foreigners and their annual demographic balance in the province ofpiccolo stemma della provincia di Ascoli Piceno Ascoli Piceno and of piccolo stemma della provincia di Teramo Teramo.


How "big" are the municipalities?

Size of municipalities
prov. Ascoli Picenoprov. TeramoItaly
total number of municipalities33478.092
- of which up to 1,000 inhabitants6 - 3.493 - 1,7%8 - 4.824 - 1,6% 1.984
- of which from 1,001 to 5,000 inhabitants19 - 49.064 - 23,7%20 - 46.425 - 15,1% 3.697
- of which from 5,001 to 10,000 inhabitants4 - 30.342 - 14,6%10 - 71.031 - 23,1% 1.182
- of which from 10,001 to 15,000 inhabitants1 - 12.708 - 6,1%4 - 49.996 - 16,2% 492
- of which from 15,001 to 20,000 inhabitants1 - 16.073 - 7,8%2 - 31.852 - 10,3% 219
- of which with more than 20,000 inhabitants2 - 95.499 - 46,1%3 - 103.924 - 33,7% 518

The municipalities with over 20,000 inhabitants as of 31 December 2018 were: Teramo (54,343 residents), Ascoli Piceno (48.169), San Benedetto del Tronto (47.330), Roseto degli Abruzzi (25,853), Giulianova (23,728); another 8 municipalities had a population of between 10,000 and 19,999 inhabitants (in descending order Martinsicuro, Grottammare, Silvi, Pineto, Monteprandone, Alba Adriatica, Tortoreto, Atri); 14 municipalities had less than 1,000 inhabitants with the least populated being Palmiano (185 residents).



MM-2023 PortoDeiPiceni by Gianluca Paniccia.

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