From this page you can find information and news regarding events and manifestations which take place in all the towns of the provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Teramo.
Special page with the billboards of the summer events 2023 organized by the Municipal Administrations
Warning !
We decline all responsibility for any errors, omissions or variations regarding dates, places and descriptions
of the events mentioned or present in our archives.
Events may be subject to changes, postponements and cancellations without
Above you will find the exact dates of the events that take place in these days; below you will find the link to the pages dedicated to the events organized during the great periods of the year, namely the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) and the two main religious holidays (Easter and Christmas).
Then there are two other collective rites for the Ferragosto (August 15th) and for the carnival.
Each town, each hamlet, celebrates its patron saint; in many places there are competitions or parades that recall historical facts and legends of the past; on these occasions there are more or less full-bodied civil and religious programs, with parties, concerts, fairs, markets, food and wine festivals, cultural debates, art exhibitions, guided excursions.
You can get more detailed information on the main events that take place periodically
in the territory, which we have divided into categories:
fiere (= large markets
of country that are held in particular circumstances of the year, often on the occasion of local festivals) e
daily and weekly markets
sagre (= festivals
that take place in a town or ward to celebrate a harvest or product)
folk and historical re-enactments
religious events , especially those del Natale (Christmas) e della Pasqua (Easter)
sport events
cultural and artistic events (mostre, convegni,
esposizioni, rassegne e premi)
i grandi eventi del passato tra il 2001 e il 2010.
In addition to squares, streets and private rooms, there are:
We recommend that you first consult the archive of the institutional websites of the local authorities , the guides " unofficial " of the various countries, the web pages concerning art, culture and leisure and sports or search within the PortoDeiPiceni, for example among the countries.
Attention !
We decline all responsibility for any errors, omissions or variations regarding dates, places and descriptions
of the events mentioned or present in our archives.
Events may be subject to changes, postponements and cancellations without
MM-2023 PortoDeiPiceni by Gianluca Paniccia.
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